Whether you’re a large-scale donor, a direct family member, or part of the extended family, Giving Place makes it easier for families to achieve charitable goals across households and generations.


Streamline your giving and simplify your taxes.

Giving Place organizes all your giving in one simplified view, gets you quick answers for faster decision-making, and automates tax compliance so you receive every deduction without all the paper chasing.


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Other Family Members

Enable other family members to pursue their own giving goals.

Giving Place makes it easier for other family members who might not be experienced donors to develop and pursue their own giving interests as part of a family plan, and gives them simple tools to do it well.


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Extended Family Households

Make it simple for related households to share in family giving.

Giving Place provides centralized access to a family’s charitable activity across generations, households, and individuals, making it easier to share insights, resources, and spot new intersecting interests for the broader family to rally around.


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Connecting the dots across charitable accounts and family members in a multi-family office.

An image of a casual modern office scene with a woman presenting in front of a screen to a team of people sitting at tables with their laptops open.
What was the challenge?

A boutique family office supporting a multi-household, multi-generational family was faced with multitude of administrative challenges.

After many years of annual cash giving, DAF-based grants and significant gifts supporting a public charity—all involving differing accounts across households—the only thing that was clear was the massive effort to gain full visibility into the family’s total charitable activity.

What was the total giving by household? By Individual? Was there any more capacity to give? Even the most basic questions required a completely manual effort to pull information necessary to find the answers. And every time a new question popped up the effort had to be restarted.

When it came to tax time, the burden only grew. Tracking down pledge status and tax documentation meant hounding charities by phone. And ensuring IRS-compliance and providing tax prep for the accounting team was a massive undertaking on its own.

Giving Place solution

Consolidated view of family’s total giving activity. Giving Place onboarded 4 families’ giving history, with over 20 years of history across dozens of accounts creating a complete picture of all activity for the first time.

One process to plan, execute and track all grants. By linking with the DAF and checking accounts of the principal donors, the office was able to implement a single process for preparing a giving plan for the year and all execution and tracking of the gifts was handled by Giving Place.

Integrated custom reports for better giving insights. Giving Place provided custom reports that highlighted trends and patterns in grants that enabled the families to ensure regular commitments were met and the families’ intentions were successfully executed

Giving Place impact

Faster answers for better decision making. When it was time for meetings regarding new opportunities to pull forward pledge commitments, the information about where and how much was able to be retrieved in a few clicks, enabling real-time decision making.

No more tax time compliance chaos. Automated tracking of gift acknowledgment documentation and knowing which grants qualified for deductions enabled the family office team to present the accountants with the necessary information to support optimal deductions and ensure IRS documentation compliance.

More focus on the joy of charitable giving: for specific meetings regarding end of year giving, having custom reports that supported the families’ decision making allowed everyone to focus on the intent and impact of the gifts, rather than operational overhead.

Automated processes save time and effort. A cumbersome process of requesting checks and manual creation of award letters was replaced by Giving Place’s end-to-end planning with automated execution and tracking, saving hours of manual effort in the busiest time of the year.

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